Currently, I lead an interdiciplinary reserach team on analogue/mixed-signal Integrated Ciruit (IC) design and CMOS biosensors. We apply the developed fundamental tools and techniques in creating new wearable technologies for real-time quantitative analysis of health and wellness, including conditions such as physiological stress, oral health and acute pain.
In line with this goal, we also carry out both experimental and systematic review reserach on existing as well as new biomarkers of such health conditions and diseases in non-blood biofluids, such as saliva. I have provided scientific consultation to a number of healthcare industries in related fields.
The main research themes in my team currently include:
Low-power microelectronics design
Monolithic integration of biosensors and (micro-)electronics on silicon
Development of new wearable technologies for real-time analysis of biolfuids
Various biofluid biomarkers related to nociception and sleep quality